
ABK Group anuncia la entrada de Cleon Capital en su proyecto / ABK Group announces a new development phase with the entry of Cleon Capital

Con una inversión de 45 millones de euros, el fondo de private equity italo-español proporciona los recursos financieros para la siguiente etapa de crecimiento de la corporación azulejera / With an investment of €45 million, mostly though a capital increase, Cleon has provided the financial resources for the next growth stage of ABK Group and has partnered with the company’s founders

17.10.2023 09:10

ABK Industrie Ceramiche (ABK Group) ha comunicado que se ha asociado con Cleon Capital Advisors, por el que el fondo de private equity italo-español entra en el capital de la empresa como accionista minoritario.

Cleon ha invertido 45 millones de euros, principalmente a través de una ampliación de capital, con el objetivo de apoyar la próxima etapa de desarrollo y expansión del Grupo ABK.

«Durante los últimos 7 años, el grupo ha invertido más de 100 millones de euros en el desarrollo de tecnologías de producción de vanguardia y en el fortalecimiento de su presencia internacional mediante la adquisición de la empresa francesa Desvres y acuerdos comerciales en Estados Unidos», revela ABK a través de un comunicado. La asociación con Cleon «permitirá al Grupo ABK capitalizar las inversiones realizadas acelerando y ampliando las oportunidades de crecimiento con rapidez y flexibilidad».

Los socios fundadores del Grupo ABK, Roberto Fabbri, Michelangelo Fortuna y Andrea Guidorzi, señalan que «la alianza con Cleon representa un hito importante en un viaje de crecimiento que comenzó hace más de 30 años. Creemos que hemos encontrado en Cleon un socio que puede aportar no sólo recursos financieros sino también una red de habilidades y relaciones esenciales para aprovechar las oportunidades para las que el grupo se ha preparado en los últimos años a través de importantes inversiones industriales».

Por su parte, Lorenzo y Nicola Zambon, socios de Cleon, apuntan que «estamos entusiasmados de unirnos a los fundadores y la dirección del Grupo ABK y contribuir a sus objetivos de desarrollo futuros». «Brindaremos a ABK Group acceso a un amplio conocimiento y valiosas relaciones dentro de nuestra red internacional de emprendedores que, como nosotros, han reconocido el potencial de ABK Group y las importantes oportunidades de desarrollo impulsadas por los recientes avances tecnológicos», indican.

ABK Industrie Ceramiche S.p.A. (ABK Group) has partnered with Cleon Capital Advisors (Cleon), who enters the company’s capital as a minority shareholder. Cleon has invested €45 million, mostly through a capital increase, with the aim of supporting ABK Group’s upcoming development and expansion stage.

For the past 7 years, the group has invested over €100 million in the development of cutting-edge production technologies and in strengthening its international presence through the acquisition of the French company Desvres and through commercial agreements in the United States. ABK Group has also distinguished itself for the quality and design of its products, which include an exclusive license with Versace, and for numerous innovative architectural solutions, such as the patented invisible induction system for kitchen countertops, Cooking Surface Prime.

The partnership with Cleon will allow ABK Group to capitalize on the investments made by accelerating and expanding growth opportunities with speed and flexibility.The founding partners of ABK Group, Roberto Fabbri, Michelangelo Fortuna, and Andrea Guidorzi, commented: ’the deal with Cleon represents an important milestone in a growth journey that began over 30 years ago.

After careful consideration, we believe we have found in Cleon a partner who can bring not only financial resources but also a network of skills and essential relationships to seize the opportunities the group has prepared for in recent years through significant industrial investments. Cleon has a truly flexible and unique business model, different from private equity funds and, in our opinion, suitable for an entrepreneurial context that characterizes many medium-sized companies like ours. Together with Cleon, we share the goals of a new and challenging growth phase that will be led by the second generation, who have been with the company for a long time, with the support of a qualified management team.

’Lorenzo and Nicola Zambon, partners at Cleon, stated: ’We are excited to join ABK Group’s founders and management and contribute to their future development goals. The vision, skills, and capabilities of the founders have guided the company along a path of continuous growth and development, positioning it as a leader in the industry in recent years. We will provide ABK Group with access to the extensive knowledge and valuable relationships within our international network of entrepreneurs who, like us, have recognized the potential of ABK Group and the significant development opportunities driven by recent technological advancements.’

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