La asistencia a Cersaie 2015 se dispara hasta las 101.000 visitas

El estand de Azulev en la reciente edición de Cersaie, en Bolonia.
R. D.

Cersaie 2015 ha registrado una afluencia de más de 101.000 visitantes, gracias a la elevada participación extranjera. El Salón Internacional de la Cerámica para la Arquitectura y del Equipamiento de Baño, celebrado entre el 28 de septiembre y el 2 de octubre en Bolonia (Italia), ha contado con iniciativas específicas para la arquitectura, el diseño de interior, la colocación y los consumidores finales.

Representación e internacionalización han sido los rasgos sobresalientes de Cersaie 2015, que ha contado también este año con expositores pertenecientes a sectores como la madera. Con sus 872 expositores, de los que 319 eran extranjeros procedentes de 39 países (siendo Suiza la nueva nación del 2015), la edición 2015 ha registrado una afluencia de 101.809 visitantes (+0.8%) cuya participación extranjera ha alcanzado 48.231 visitantes, es decir 1.632 personas más con respecto a la edición anterior situándose ahora en un 47,4%.

La persencia de asistentes italianos se ha mantenido estable, con 53.578 visitantes y muy significativa ha sido la de los medios de información, con 694 periodistas, de los que 257 eran extranjeros; un fuerte aumento para el contingente italiano (+27,4%), entre otras cosas, por la Rueda de Prensa Internacional celebrada por primera vez en el Palacio Ducal de la ciudad de Sassuolo.

Dichas cifras consolidan el Cersaie como primer escaparate mundial para el desarrollo del mercado internacional de los materiales cerámicos, de los pavimentos y de los productos del equipamiento del baño, así como potente motor de propulsión para el comercio internacional. Más de 150 los países de procedencia de los visitantes y numerosas las visitas a los estands corporativos de las delegaciones internacionales organizadas en el marco del Cersaie Business, en colaboración con el ICE y la Región Emilia-Romaña.

THE CERSAIE INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE IN THE SPLENDID SETTING OF THE DUCAL PALACE OF SASSUOLO //  The International Press Conference for the 33rd edition of Cersaie was held yesterday, the first day of the show, in the splendid setting of the Hall of the Guards in the Ducal Palace of Sassuolo, the summer residence of the Dukes of Este. The opening remarks were given by the Regional Secretary for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Sabina Magrini, who observed that the Ducal Palace is one of the cultural assets protected by the Ministry of Culture and one of the 20 most important state museums recently identified by Culture Minister Dario Franceschini. The Mayor of Sassuolo Claudio Pistoni noted that this region stands out for the harmonious coexistence of ceramic manufacturing and its historic artistic heritage.

Next up was Roberto Luongo, Director General of the Italian Trade Agency ICE, the public agency which contributed to the organisation of this important event for the Italian ceramic industry and Cersaie. “Our partnership with the Italian ceramic industry has deep roots,” he said. “Cersaie is the hub of the building world, and the Italian Trade Agency with its 65 branches has been supporting Italian ceramic companies for more than 30 years to help them compete successfully in international markets. The initial data for 2015 point to growth in exports, and our cooperation with this manufacturing sector, the flagship of Italian industry, will continue over the coming months.”

Moderated by Confindustria Ceramica Director General Armando Cafiero, the press conference itself began with an introductory speech by Emilio Mussini, Chairman of Confindustria Ceramica’s Promotional Activities and Trade Fairs Commission, who discussed the characteristics and prospects of the Italian ceramic industry. “The turnover generated from ceramic tiles produced in Italy has resumed growth, and is set to exceed 5 billion euros at the end of 2015, up by around 4% year-on-year,” he said. “Adding together ceramic tile production in Italy, which has risen by 3% to 395 million square metres, and the volumes produced by Italian-controlled companies outside Italy results in a total Italian production of around 480 million square metres.

Exports are the most dynamic portion of the market and now account for 82% of Italian companies’ total turnover at 2.23 billion euros in the first half of the year (+5%). All the main markets are performing positively with the exception of France and the region “non-EU European countries”, including a particularly strong performance in the USA (+32.4%) and Asia (+11.2%).” “Italy’s leadership position is strongly dependent on investments, which have risen by 26% in 2015 to 286 million euros, 5.8% of turnover,” Mussini continued. “These investments are mainly focused on plant and equipment for the production of ceramic tiles and panels of ever greater sizes – we have now reached 320x160 mm – and with thicknesses of up to 20 mm, especially popular for outdoor applications, and on digital decoration, a technology that brings exceptional and highly innovative results.”

Emilio Mussini then outlined the Italian ceramic industry’s promotional activities worldwide. The 2015 – 2016 programme will include a collective institutional presence at SAIE in Bologna, at Maison & Objet in Paris and Singapore, at Batimat Russia and obviously at Coverings in Chicago next April and at ICFF in New York. In Europe, seminars and networking activities during 2016 will be held in Germany, France, the UK, Belgium and Holland.

To conclude, Emilio Mussini summed up the figures for Cersaie: 872 exhibitors from 39 countries (4 more than in 2013) hosted in an exhibition space of 156,000 square metres in 19 halls; 226 bathroom furnishing exhibitors, making Cersaie the leader in Italy and one of the top shows in Europe for this sector; and more than 200 building and architecture professionals from all over the world.

The cultural programme Building, Dwelling, Thinking focuses on design and architecture and includes the Keynote Lecture given by 2002 Pritzker prize winner Glenn Murcutt and talks given by such prominent figures as Massimo Giacon, Francisco Mangado, Mattias Sauerbruch, Arturo Franco and Markus Bader. This year’s show also includes the exhibition Cer-Stile in Hall 30 and the installation Day Off in Hall 29, which demonstrate how ceramics and design can be used to optimise the visual impact of spaces. ‘Tiling Town’ features seminars, works in progress and demonstrations on the important final step in the ceramic tile production chain. And last but not least the fourth edition of Cersaie designs your home, the event that on Thursday and Friday will welcome consumers intending to renovate their homes and offer them a consulting service provided by professionals from 25 Italian interior design magazines. Andrea Serri, Editor of Cer Magazine, will then illustrate the ways in which the Italian ceramic industry has been involved in Expo 2015. There are a total of 55 halls featuring Italian ceramics, a number that rises to 109 if we include materials for installation, preparation of structures, technologies and skills of the workforce, all of which is strictly Italian. More than one hall in every 3 uses Italian ceramic tiles, more than 2 out of three Italian building materials and technologies.  

Cristina Faedi, Head of Promotional Activities at Confindustria Ceramica, used a wide array of images to illustrate the main aesthetic trends of Italian ceramic tiles on display at the show, including vintage, mosaic, three-dimensional, urban style, hexagons, cement tiles, fabrics, ceramic wood, marble effect, metals and countless collaborations with Italian and foreign designers. The press conference was followed by the presentation ceremony for the Ceramics of Italy Journalism Award, now in its twentieth edition and assigned each year to the best report on Cersaie and the Italian ceramic industry. The winner of the 2015 award is Christian Bergeron for his article entitled Cersaie 2014 - la céramique tous azimuts sumptuous ceramics published in Canada – Intérieurs, which described the main ceramic trends on display at Cersaie 2014 through a meticulous selection of images. The Jury decided once again this year to award three honourable mentions. These went to Paul Russel, editor of the magazine Asian Ceramics; Andreea Dicianu, editor chief of Romanian magazine Ideal Decor; and Ana Paula Rocha from Brazilian magazine AU Arquitectura y Urbanismo.

Next came the award ceremony for Beautiful Ideas, the sixth edition of the competition in which design students are invited to create the poster image for Cersaie 2016. Amongst the submitted projects, the jury chose the design created by Silvia Spitaleri, a third-year student of Industrial Design at the Polytechnic School of the University of Palermo. The first day of the show was concluded by the Cersaie Evening held in the nearby Cavallerizza Ducale, where Confindustria Chairman Giorgio Squinzi, the Mayor of Sassuolo Claudio Pistoni, the Chairman of Confindustria Ceramica Vittorio Borelli and Emilio Mussini presented by Confindustria Ceramica Distributor Awards. The winner for Italy was Venturini Srl owned by Massimo Venturini, a Rome-based company founded in 1966. The winner for France was Ceramica owned by Philippe Guenoun and Lucia Fusaro, founded in 1977 in Chelles; for Germany it was AVANTA E. Bauderer GmbH owned by Eric and Manuel Bauderer; and for Hong Kong it was Regent Building Material Supplies Co. Ltd. owned by Simon Tso.