Colorker logra más visibilidad en el mercado ruso


Batimat 2016 ha sido una feria muy prolífica para Colorker, ya que además de las buenas críticas que han cosechado sus novedades de producto, también ha conseguido el premio al mejor estand de la feria internacional desarrollada durante la semana pasada en Moscú.

Desde la compañía explican que "este valioso galardón se otorga al espacio con el mejor diseño y decoración, un reconocimiento que nos ha permitido dar un paso más, si cabe, en el mercado ruso este año". "Colorker está realizando un importante esfuerzo por estar presente en los principales certámenes del sector y este galardón nos anima a seguir apostando por los mismos", explican.

Desde la marca también destacan que "hemos recibido múltiples felicitaciones por las novedades que hemos presentado en esta edición como son las granillas pulidas de la serie Odyssey y Bellaforma".

BATIMAT RUSSIA – THE EXHIBITION ATTENDANCE SETS RECORDS // The major construction and interior exhibition Batimat Russia took place from 5 to 8 April at the International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo (Moscow). During four days of the Exhibition operation it was visited by manufacturers, distributors,
dealers, trade network representatives, architects, designers, constructors, developers from across

In the year 2016, 623 companies participated in the Exhibition. The number of the visitors exceeded the figure of the year 2015 and comprised 86 738 visitors.

The business program of the exhibition consisted of the most important events. Retail Strategy Forum, related to DIY matters, where the Marketing Director for "Leroy Merlin" Muzho Philip told about the key principles of regional expansion, was held with great success. Other speakers were represented by Antonio Linares, General Director of Roca in Russia and the CIS, Danil Khokhlov, the Executive Director of the CTH (Construction Trading House) "Petrovich" for the CFD, Andrey Melekhov, Head of the DIY "Yulmart", Alice Tyukhtina, Senior Consultant for the Cushman & Wakefield Department of retail real esta
te, Ivan Artemov Director of Concept development department for CBRE shopping centers, Maxim Zaitsev, Head of DIY line in Rehau, as well as by delegates of other leading manufacturing companies.

Russian Union of Builders held a round table concerning new rules been implemented in the field construction and pricing. Skolkovo Foundation representatives spoke about innovative projects support mechanisms. A range of Passive House workshops representing the latest products developed for the construction of passive houses was conducted as well. Also Master-classes of famous architects and designers were per formed at the event.

The competitions results were summarized and the winners’ award ceremonies also took place at
the Exhibition:

The following architects became the winners of the Architectural Contest "Real Interior”: Evgenia Zipunyako, Olga Savchenko and Julia Agzamova - all the projects in "Interior Design for specific planning of one, two and / or three-room apartments" nomination were awarded third place by the jury. The creative team consisting of the following members: Nadezhda Ilyina, Galina Sorokina and Ekaterina Ovchinnikova, was awarded third place in the main nomination titled "Project of combination of three-room and o
ne-room apartments in a panel building DOMMOS”. Dmitry Korobkov, an architect, took the se
cond place, and the top prize went to Elena Pegasova.

The winners of the BATIMAT INSIDE Architectural Contest are:
• Samsonov Ilya, "Design and Architectural Studio of Ilya Samsonov"
• Zhilyakov Nikita, "Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace"
• Kartuzova Alyona, project manager - Gromada Vladimir Vladimirovich, "Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts"
• Nika Vorotyntseva, Tatiana Saulyak, Marina Korak, "Design Bureau of Nika Vorotyntseva"
• Chashchina Alexandra, private designer
• Dunayev Alexey, Architectural and design workshop "PROJECT 905"

Special grants for education at HoReCa Workshop courses, Milano, were awarded to:
•Grinevich Dmitry, Lychko Tatyana, «Workshop Dmitriy Grynevich»
• Zhilyakov Nikita, "Nikita Zhilyakov Workspace"

The winners of INNOVATION Contest are:
• In Efficiency nomination – “Novoproject”company, having presented snow melting system of new generation
• In Originality nomination – material known as keramopen, developed by “KERAPEN” company
• In Environmental Friendliness nomination – CJSC “Ural’s Plant for Polymer Technologies “Mayak”, having presented a smart hoseaimed for recovery of pipeline systems of various profiles

The winners in Special Nomination of Skolkovo Foundation are:
• LLC “SoTechS”, having presented a DEEPIPE Composite project – unique pipelines of new generation
• LLC “Research and Production Association “Autonomous Decisions”, having presented project of Power efficient autonomous house designed for Russian climate, to be built using typical construction materials