Baños y cocinas

Espacio Cocina SICI 2024 confirma sus fechas para su próxima edición / Habitat, Textilhogar and Espacio Cocina SICI will be held together again

El salón coincidirá con Hábitat y Textilhogar entre el 30 de septiembre y el 3 de octubre de 2024 / The event will be held at the same time as Hábitat y Textilhogar between September 30 and October 3, 2024

07.12.2023 10:45

Las ferias Hábitat, Textilhogar y Espacio Cocina SICI 2024 acaban de hacer públicas sus fechas para sus próximas ediciones. El trío de eventos celebrarán conjuntamente sus salones en Feria Valencia entre el 30 de septiembre y el 3 de octubre.

Las ferias Hábitat (de mueble, iluminación y decoración), Textilhogar (de textiles para el hogar) y Espacio Cocina SICI (de equipamiento para la cocina), coincidirán en Feria Valencia del 30 de septiembre al 3 de octubre de 2024.

Será la segunda vez que las tres ferias coincidan en fechas, ya que Espacio Cocina SICI es bienal, tras la edición de 2022 que tantos éxitos cosechó. De esta manera, se quiere repetir la fórmula de éxito de entonces, en la que se dieron cita más de 800 firmas y marcas internacionales sobre una superficie expositiva de más de 90.000 m2. Esta vez, incluso se esperan superar los 48.000 compradores que pasaron por la muestra en 2022.

Las nuevas fechas, en en la quinta semana de septiembre e incluyendo algunos días de octubre se han seleccionado estratégicamente para no coincidir ni interferir con ninguna otra convocatoria de relevancia, especialmente en Asia y Alemania. De este modo, los organizadores esperan aumentar de forma considerable el número de compradores y visitantes tanto nacionales como internacionales.

Gran escaparate sectorial

En esta próxima edición, Feria Hábitat Valencia espera afianzar las importantes sinergias entre todos los sectores implicados. Así, espera aumentar su atractivo como escaparate sectorial y las posibilidades que ofrece a los compradores. Aquí cabe recordar el perfil de este salón, tanto del ámbito de la distribución tradicional del mueble de hogar como prescriptores y profesionales del negocio del contract.

Destaca la evolución de esta feria, que pasó de reunir a 36.000 visitantes en su última edición en solitario el año 2019, a 48.000 en 2022, junto Textilhogar y Espacio Cocina SICI.


Por su parte, Textilhogar Home Textiles Premium que coincidirá por tercera vez con Hábitat y por segunda con Espacio Cocina SICI, aprovechará las sinergias profesionales en torno al hogar y el contract que se establecen. En este sentido, la oferta de Textilhogar ha sabido situarse en un segmento de alto valor añadido y diseño, con la presencia tanto de productores como de editores especializados, por ejemplo, en proyectos hoteleros o de proyección internacional. Una edición más, el certamen contará con el impulso de la patronal del sector ATEVAL – Home Textiles From Spain.

El universo de las cocinas

En cuanto a Espacio Cocina SICI, regresará con fuerza y con una clara apuesta por potenciar el sector de fabricantes de mueble de cocina que comparte feria con el resto de subsectores de equipamiento de cocina como encimeras, acabados de superficies, grifería, electrodomésticos, menaje, iluminación, mesas y sillas, fregaderos o software.

Además, para la edición de 2024, el certamen, que se celebra con el impulso de la asociación sectorial AMC, ha puesto en marcha el nuevo espacio expositivo AMC Kitchen Lab. Se trata de stands ‘llave en mano’, un diseño unificado y un precio cerrado que incluye habitaciones de hotel, atención comercial personalizada, montaje, servicios de ‘catering’ o campañas personalizadas de publicidad en redes sociales.

Un escaparate de tendencias del sector cocina donde expondrán fabricantes de mueble de cocina junto con sus respectivos colaboradores de encimeras, electrodomésticos o muebles auxiliar. Hay que recordar que Espacio Cocina SICI es la única feria 100% que se celebra en nuestro país en torno a estos sectores.

Feria Valencia will host next year a new joint call for large international monographic fairs around the habitat sectors. Thus, from September 30 to October 3 , 2024 , a new edition of Feria Hábitat València , Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar and Espacio Cocina SICI will once again be held simultaneously .

Both the furniture, lighting and decoration event and the home textiles event repeat their joint celebration for the third time, while the furniture and home equipment event returns to this unified exhibition showcase after its absence this year due to its nature. biennial.

In this way, the successful formula that achieved such good results two editions ago is repeated when it was possible to bring together a showcase of more than 800 international companies and brands on an exhibition surface of more than 90,000 m 2 . Next year, consequently, Feria Valencia is committed to repeating a large-format event with great national and international attracting power, with the aim of exceeding the 48,000 buyers who attended in 2022.

One of the great novelties of next year’s edition will be the start day, which is brought forward one day so that both Hábitat, Textilhogar and Espacio Cocina SICI will be held from Monday to Thursday , and not from Tuesday to Friday as was usual in the latest editions. The objective is to optimize both the visit of professionals and that of exhibitors and their teams, also avoiding the ‘weekend’ factor of celebrating the last day of the fair on Friday.

Furthermore, another novelty will be the positioning of the fairs in the fifth week of September, even covering some days in October. These are dates that are not foreign to competitions such as Hábitat, which has already held calls on similar dates throughout its history. Furthermore, in this way, both Hábitat, Textilhogar and Espacio Cocina SICI are preferentially located on dates in which they do not collide with any other relevant call, especially in Asia and Germany, which will allow the flow of buyers and visitors, both national and international.

Habitat, on an upward trajectory

For Feria Hábitat València , this new joint call will allow for strengthening the powerful synergies between all the sectors involved, thus increasing the attractiveness of its showcase and the possibilities it offers to buyers, both in the field of traditional food distribution home furniture as well as the prescription and contract business that seeks, precisely, a comprehensive offer.

It must be remembered that the furniture fair went from 36,000 visitors in the last edition that was held alone in 2019 to 48,000 in 2022 together with, precisely, the textile and kitchen sectors and more than 45,000 in this year’s event. , in which the cooking fair was absent.

Textilhogar, in synergies around the habitat

For its part, this will be the third consecutive edition in which Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar is held together with Hábitat and the second with Espacio Cocina SICI. In this sense, the professional synergies around the home and contract that have been established have allowed us to strengthen Textilhogar’s offer in a segment of high added value, design and with the presence of both producers and specialized editors, for example, in projects hotels or international projection. For yet another edition, the contest will be promoted by the sector’s employers’ association ATEVAL – Home Textiles From Spain .

SICI Kitchen Space, new formats and kitchen furniture

Meanwhile, Espacio Cocina SICI returns to Feria Valencia this 2024 with strength and with a clear commitment to promoting kitchen furniture within its showcase, which also includes sectors such as coatings, taps, appliances, kitchenware, lighting, countertops or sinks. In addition, the event, which is held with the impetus of the AMC sector association , has launched for this edition a new exhibition space called ’AMC Kitchen Lab’ , with ‘turnkey’ stands, a unified design and a fixed price which will include hotel rooms, personalized commercial attention, assembly, catering services or personalized advertising campaigns on social networks.

A showcase of trends in the kitchen sector where exclusively kitchen furniture manufacturers will exhibit along with their respective collaborators of countertops, appliances or auxiliary furniture. It must be remembered that Espacio Cocina SICI is the only 100% fair held in our country around these sectors.