
Cersaie 2022, a un paso del ‘sold out’ / 92% of the Cersaie space has already been booked

El certamen internacional de Bolonia ocupará los 15 pabellones en su edición del próximo mes de septiembre / The international event will occupy the 15 pavilions in its edition next September

10.05.2022 12:21

La sombra de Cersaie asoma ya en el calendario. La feria internacional de cerámica de Bolonia volverá a escena del 26 al 30 de septiembre del 2022 y, `por lo visto, con la confianza de los expositores.

La organización del evento ha confirmado que está muy cerca de colgar el cartel de sold out. A 139 días de que se corte la cinta de Cersaie 2022, «la superficie reservada por las empresas ya supera el 92% de los espacios disponibles, lo que permitirá, también este año, ocupar 15 pabellones del parque ferial de BolognaFiere».

Al tiempo señalan que «ello nos hace albergar la esperanza de recibir una mayor participación de visitantes nacionales e internacionales, considerando también la progresiva relajación de las normas sanitarias vinculadas con el covid». Hay que recordar que en 2021 la cita cerámica se resintió por las restricciones aplicadas en Italia a los viajeros llegados desde fuera de Europa.

El programa de Cersaie 2022 incluye también, junto a la oferta comercial, conferencias y ruedas de prensa institucionales, citas con la arquitectura y el diseño de interiores o demostraciones de colocación en vivo a través de Ciudad de la Colocación.

Por segundo año consecutivo, Cersaie Digital permitirá durante tres semanas mejorar y ampliar las relaciones entre expositores y visitantes, con el objetivo de consolidar la participación en la feria física. Este evento paralelo se desarrollará del 19 de septiembre al 7 de octubre del 2022.

Cersaie will be back in the Bologna Exhibition Centre from 26 to 30 September this year. The exhibitors’ confidence in the world’s most important ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings exhibition and their eagerness to engage with the market is demonstrated by the sheer number of bookings, with exhibition space almost completely sold out. Cersaie is also a key event for professional visitors from the fields of construction, architecture and interior design, who see the opportunity to meet exhibitors as a very important part of their business activities.

With five months still to go before Cersaie opens its doors, more than 92% of the available exhibition space has already been booked despite the uncertain outlook, with the show expected once again to fill 15 halls of the BolognaFiere exhibition centre. This bodes well for an increase in numbers of Italian and international visitors this year, particularly given the gradual easing of Covid restrictions relating to transport and accommodation.

The 39th Cersaie will feature a packed programme of highly informative and educational events of interest to an international audience. The conferences and institutional press conferences, the architecture and interior design events in the Building, Dwelling, Thinking programme, the Press Cafés organised by trade magazines, and the technical and educational seminars held in Tiling Town are just a few of the initiatives that cement Cersaie’s status as the industry’s foremost international event. Key features of the show include the destination management campaign for foreign operators and the international promotion activities organised with the support of the Italian Trade Agency ITA and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Cersaie Digital will be online for three weeks from 19 September to 7 October with the aim of consolidating relations between exhibitors and visitors and complementing the activities held at the in-person show. The potential offered by information technology will allow specific actions to be organised for events in the Cersaie 2022 programme.