
Àgora València, un nuevo espacio con la cerámica como protagonista / Àgora València, a new space with ceramics as the protagonist

El proyecto verá la luz en dos meses en el marco de World Design Capital / The project will be operational in two months within the framework of World Design Capital

14.04.2022 10:45

València Capital Mundial del Diseño ha presentado su nuevo espacio arquitectónico, el Àgora València, que se inaugurará en dos meses y estará situado en la plaza del Ayuntamiento.

El nuevo espacio será el centro neurálgico del diseño en la ciudad, y acogerá diversas actividades abiertas al público durante todo el año. «Queremos acostumbrar a la ciudadanía al buen diseño, a entender los procesos y ser conscientes de otras variables como la sostenibilidad, la funcionalidad, la belleza o la inclusión», ha expresado el alcalde Joan Ribó.

«El Àgora València se ha concebido como un regalo para la ciudad, como un elemento que la ciudadanía perciba en cualquier momento, como un lugar a pasear, a tocar y a disfrutar», señala Miguel Arraiz, uno de los responsables de la arquitectura del proyecto.

El pabellón acogerá en junio el primero de los siete Signature Events impulsados junto con la World Design Organization, que atraerán a más de dos millones de personas, de las cuales se prevé que 200.000 serán visitantes extranjeros.

La presentación, que ha tenido lugar en el Salón de Cristal del consistorio, ha contado también con la presencia de Xavier Calvo, director de World Design Capital Valencia 2022.

El pabellón, que ya se está construyendo, tiene un coste en torno a los 470.000 euros. Se mantendrá hasta diciembre en la Plaza del Ayuntamiento con actividades, una zona expositiva y encuentros de profesionales. En 2023 se trasladará a la Marina de València, donde se ubicará el futuro Distrito del Diseño. La instalación mide 24 por 10 metros con una altura de 10 metros, y está construida con varillas de madera y cerámica.

El techo es obra del artista fallero Manolo García, y simboliza las olas del mar Mediterráneo, y se iluminará de noche. Además, es un proyecto sostenible en el que se han utilizado un 50 % de materiales reciclados, se ha ahorrado un 70 % de agua en su construcción y utilizará tecnología led de bajo consumo para la iluminación.

$!Àgora València, un nuevo espacio con la cerámica como protagonista

Coinciding with the start of the works in the City Hall Square, World Design Capital Valencia 2022 reveals the details of Àgora València, an architectural space whose construction will merge tradition and avant-garde, crafts and industry, using ceramic and vareta wood, a traditional craft technique used by Fallas artisans. With Àgora València, the city wins over an open space to citizens as a legacy of the transforming power of design.

Àgora València takes over the pavilions where once stood other capitals such as Helsinki or Taipei and it will count with several complementary sections: a space open to citizen participation, an exhibition area, and the speaker of Valencian design along with the best designs from around the world that are visiting Valencia throughout the year.

Àgora València is a project of World Design Capital Valencia 2022 and the City Council of Valencia with the support of the Provincial Council of Valencia, La Marina de València and the Valencian companies Inalco and Wandegar. The design of the space is led by Miguel Arraiz, architect and projects director of World Capital of Design Valencia 2022, together with Arqueha Arquitectura y Urbanismo, responsible for technical development with the advice of the interior design studio Cosín Estudio.

From Architectural Icon to “Plaza Mayor” of Valencian Creativity Where to Walk, See, Touch and Enjoy Design

Àgora València has been conceived as the strategic core of Valencia World Design Capital 2022 programme in order to reinforce the objective of the numerous projects, exhibitions, talks and meetings that take place day by day in all corners of the city. In this way, from June it will stand as a meeting point from which both locals and visitors can enjoy Valencian design and get to know professionals, formal bodies, institutions and companies rooted in the culture of creativity and innovation.

Inclusive, sustainable and flexible, Àgora València will have its own calendar of cross-cutting activities for all audiences whilst the city celebrates its status as the global epicentre of design and it later relocates to La Marina de València.

Crafts, Innovation, Industry, Light and Valencian Talent: Axes of the Architectural Project

Àgora Valencia’s purpose is reflected in the materials and the manufacturing of the space, in the artisanal processes of its building and in its delicate approach to sustainability.

“From the beginning we devised the project as a gift for the present and the future of Valencia, putting people at the heart“, explains Miguel Arraiz. “In this unique opportunity to bring design and its transversality to the citizenry, companies and institutions, we have set out to investigate the materials and the artisan tradition of our land. In addition to extolling the Valencian roots, which describe a unique way of doing things, the materials and the construction systems that allow the modular and removable format of the pavilion are a commitment to circularity and durability.”

With an area of 350 square metres, this modular pavilion will tell the story of the renowned design born on the shores of the Mediterranean, of materials born from ceramic innovation and traditions such as the vareta technique by the carpenter and artist Manolo García. The construction of the pavilion has the participation of companies such as Inalco, Wandegar and Iguzzini and studios and professionals such as Manolo García Carpintería Artística, Radiante Creative Studio, ATG Desarrollos, Josep Martí and Quatre Caps.

Àgora València consists of a structure of 24m by 10m and 9m in height. The building will be covered with a skin developed by the companies Inalco and Wandegar from ceramic pieces placed perpendicularly on the façade to sift the light over the hours. In fact, the light has been treated as an actual building material, and other elements such as the upper cover, of great aesthetic power, will also contribute to this. The great piece of vareta that will cover the pavilion will be made by Manolo García, master of carpentry and fallero artist who will return again to the square where he has planted his creations so many times. This element will simulate the waves of the Mediterranean Sea in reference to the city as a point of historical union between different cultures.

“Inalco will be present in the façade and in the ceiling, designed with MDi from the Silk Blanco collection. MDi (Minerals, Design, innovation) is an innovative surface, developed with the purest minerals, which allows body and surface to present a whole aesthetic continuity,” says Vicente López, general manager of the official partner company Inalco. MDi is a sustainable product as it is formulated with 50% recycled material from its own production process. Also, its Full Digital technology, unique in its sector worldwide, allows to save 70% of the used water and it avoids the use of solvents.

On his end, Javier Cano, manager of the engineering company in innovative technical applications for architectural enclosures and ceramic ceilings Wandegar, says that “we are very excited about our participation in the Àgora València project, it is a challenge for which we have devised an architectural solution that will stand out for its simplicity and lightness without damaging the safety nor the modular and flexible character of the structure.”

At sunset, an artistic and immersive lighting installation created by the creative studio Radiante will turn the pavilion into a great lighthouse as a symbol of the pride of the entire city of Valencia as the World Design Capital.

Opening Design to Society from a Space and a Programme Aimed at Everyone

“Valencia is a city with a knock for design, for creativity,” says Xavi Calvo, director of Valencia World Capital of Design 2022. “However, we needed to push people to get to know everything we are from our own space, we wanted to raise awareness about the importance of design and to show the great examples we have of it.” The organisation will make a call for projects so that the great audiovisual support that will be installed in the centre of Àgora can be the representation of Valencian creativity. This will be done thanks to the projection of short films, spots, designs and creative ideas so that everyone can have a taste of the Valencian potential.

Àgora València represents the infrangible link between Valencia and design. It will become the heart of a city where it is possible to breathe design in every corner thanks to more than 200 workshops, exhibitions, conferences and meetings part of the Valencia World Design Capital 2022 programme.

This space will be the focal point to appreciate the programme of Valencia World Capital of Design 2022 and, at the same time, a point of communication and exchange of ideas, an open forum for round tables, conferences and presentations on design, as well as for the realisation of didactic workshops and social and professional meetings. Inside, Àgora València will also have an area equipped as an exhibition hall for cultural bodies, professionals and brands of the Valencian design ecosystem. In this way, it will be an open and accessible building that will allow the organisation and integration of multiple functions and events of different kinds.