
Tile of Spain USA organiza por undécima vez la convocatoria Passport to Creativity / Tile of Spain USA now accepting entries for Passport to Creativity Tour

07.12.2022 10:50

Tile of Spain, la marca internacional que representa a más de 100 fabricantes españoles de baldosas cerámicas vinculados a Ascer, ya ha abierto formalmente las inscripciones para la edición 2023 de su convocatoria Pasaporte a la Creatividad (Passport to Creativity).

En su undécimo año, la iniciativa volverá a invitar a reconocidos arquitectos e interioristas estadounidenses a un viaje para viajar a los orígenes de la cerámica.

Desde la organización de la cita, Rocamador Rubio (Tile of Spain USA), señalan que "Passport to Creativity ofrece a arquitectos y diseñadores la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano los matices de las baldosas cerámicas españolas de la mano de los fabricantes y de especialistas en diseño”.

“Nuestros invitados se embarcarán en un viaje que abarcará desde la historia de la cerámica y concluirá con un conocimiento preciso de las propiedades actuales del material, algo que podrán trasladar en sus proyectos futuros en EEUU", apunta Rocamador Rubio.

Tile of Spain, the international brand representing more than 100 ceramic tile manufacturers belonging to the Spanish Ceramic Tile Manufacturer’s Association (Ascer), is now accepting entries for the 2023 edition of the “Passport to Creativity” tour.

Now in its 11th year, “Passport to Creativity” celebrates the profound history of Spanish ceramics by inviting a select group of architects and interior designers on a journey through Spain. Attendees will gain a thorough understanding of the origins of ceramics, how they are made, and the technical and aesthetic benefits of the different genres of tile.

“Passport to Creativity offers architects and designers the opportunity to master the nuances of Spanish ceramic tile from manufacturers and tile specialists first-hand,” stated Rocamador Rubio, Tile of Spain in the U.S. “Our guests will embark on an educational journey that begins with the history of ceramics and concludes with a deeper understanding of the aesthetic, technical and functional benefits of Spanish tile. This knowledge can then be used to enhance and evolve their designs to meet the ever-changing needs of exterior and interior projects.”